Sunday, September 8, 2019 – Passport to the Arts in the Garden

Pictures of the 2019 Passport to the Arts Show and Sale

On Sunday, September  8, 2019, from 10:00 – 4:00. This was a wonderful day with no rain or snow! (only slightly overcast). With 24 artists, authors and musicians and almost 300 guests. Here is a slide show of some moments of the day. Below you can read more about the artists, authors and musicians who made the day a success.

We are in the process of planning the 2020 Passport to the Arts in the Garden on Sunday, September 13, 2020. Please mark you calendar!

Visual Artists, Authors, Poets & Musicians (26)

Alisha Alibhai, Krista Anger, Jessica Anger, Bob Pike, Connie Pike, Gordon Pengilly, Beth Everest, Josephine LoRe, Stephanie Hrehirchuck, Sharon London, Two House Brewery, Magpie Poetry Group, Jeweliyanna Reece, Irene Naested, David Peyto, Connie Ptasinski Joanne Morcom, Donna Russell, Valerie Walker, Tammy Watt, The Fragments Musical Group, Todd Maduke.

Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, Banner

The Show is Open ! at 1124-15th Street N.W.

Setting up the tents and unbrellas

David Petyo, Gordon Pengilly and Helbie raising one of the tents. We must plan for snow, rain or sunshine, and sometimes all three.

Tents on the Main Deck,

ready for Art, Music and Poetry!

Tables and Umbrellas

ready for the display of



poetry books,

children’s books

Y.A. books

and much more



Main Garden

Display Tables

Ready to display

Sculpture and Books

My inner-city country “cottage garden” is a style that uses informal design, traditional materials, dense plantings, and a mixture of ornamental and edible plants. My garden is my sanctuary, my meditative space through either working the soil, planting, watering, cutting flowers for indoors, dead-heading flowers, drawing and painting, reading or just sitting in the morning sun drinking my first cup of coffee or sipping on a glass of wine.

Plein Aire

Posed Skeleton


for the

Show and Sale

Guests refreshment table in the Garage Studio





Buzz of activity 

Garage Studio Gallery

Gordon Pengilly is setting up his sculptures for show and sale. He has worked with wood, soapstone, plastic and most recently clay. His sculptures have been selected for many juried exhibitions and shown at local galleries. Through sculpting he challenges himself to create beauty from the deepest part of him, where the lovely language of form and space resides.

Stephanie Hrehirchuk is the author of Anna and the Earth Angel, Anna and the Tree FortAnna and the Food Forest, and Nourish: Ayurveda-inspired 21-day Detox, with art and poetry published in the collective work Alberta Skies, through AWCS. She wrote, illustrated and published Grandfather Grasshopper, as well as You Must be a Witch, in 2018.

Connie Ptasinski completed degrees from University of Saskatchewan, The University  of Calgary and attended the Alberta College  of Art and Design as well as many workshops. She feels that taking classes has shaped her passion to make things. The creation of her paintings has had the strongest influence. She also spends time alone in the winter months in a small Mexican village with very little to do and no TV, :-)) and in the summer her cottage in B.C.

The Fragments: David Martin, Innes Cheng, Chris Gaston, Natasha Sayer, played in the afternoon on the big deck at the Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale. This was the third year that the group performed at this event.

Two House Brewery offered samples of their beer at this Passport to the Arts Event. They just opened the doors in late July, 2019, just off 14th Street and on 10th Avenue S.W. under the LRT in Sunalta, Calgary.



Garage Studio Gallery

paintings, prints & ceramics, 


Donna Russell, fabric artist and china painter, will be selling her individually designed and sewn table runners with different seasons on each side along

with Christmas tree skirts and personalized towels.

Todd Maduke is a Calgary-based multi-instrumentalist performer and teacher who has played with many bands in many styles notably the Surf Rock combo The Bigfoot Rocketship and the Roots Rock Stalwarts, The Ruminants. Todd loves to sing and play, both his own songs and dusty old numbers he brings out of obscurity. Find him on Facebook (Todd Maduke Music) and at

Josephine LoRe’s words have been read on the stage, published locally and internationally both in print and online, and interpreted through American Sign Language, painting and visual art, music, and dance. Check out her website:

Meghan Jones has written haiku since her teens but took it more seriously after a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The deceptively simple and eloquent form became a creative way in which to focus her mind. She has published internationally and is a member of the Magpie Haiku & Tanka Group.

Connie Pike’s medium is High Fire Clay-Porcelain and Stoneware. Her key theme is functional work. She creates complete dinnerware-teapots, dinner plates, casseroles, mugs, jugs and more. Connie loves to experiment and has done over 1000 glaze tests. In the last few years, she has been carving lino and using it for texture on clay surfaces. She makes many one-of-a-kind pieces, mostly in clay.


Connie Pike & Corinne Keough

Pose for the camera in their Garden Hats

Cassandra Arnold is a retired physician and largely self-taught artist. She began painting in 2011 and was juried in as an Active Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists in 2016. She works mainly in acrylic which she loves for its versatility and fast drying time. Early pieces were more realistic but her style has become more expressive over time. She has shown in Calgary and Vancouver and three of her works are in a private collection in France.  Her work can be seen in person at the Painted Moose Artist Collective and Durango Furniture Store in Bragg Creek, and at

Bob Pike, Sculptor, attended the Alberts College of Art, and majored in sculpture. And became a full-time professional potter in 1972. He moved towards metal work in the past many years.  He created the very large metal gates at the Saskatoon Farm East of Okotoks AB. Bob loves the creative challenge of working with new ideas in most any media. Metal, clay, wood, watercolours. Currently he co-operates a studio and gallery with Connie Pike in the town of High River.

Beth Everest, is a writer and jewellery artist based in Calgary. Her silver work has appeared in galleries such as The Red Door and The Rubaiyat. Her book of poems, Silent Sister: the mastectomy poems, (2016) Frontenac House Press.  Beth exhibited and sold her jewelry and books of poetry at this event.

Delphiniums grow well in my garden. They flower in June and July so will be gone “to seed” by the time The Passport to the Arts in the Garden Event is on in September. The word delphinion (Greek) means dolphin due to the dolphin-shaped flowers. The plan is topic to humans and livestock but it attracts butterflies and bees. The main flowering stem is erect and can grow up to 2 meters in height.

Joanne Morcom is a writer and social worker who has four poetry collections to her credit.  Her poetry also appears in print and online journals and anthologies.  In addition, she boxes her poetry, using material sourced locally and internationally.  Check out her Facebook and Twitter pages.

There is an abundance of Squirrels that make their home in my garden. They come in a variety of shades and tints of browns, grays and blacks. They seem to prefer to live in my mature turees that produce pine and spruce cones for them to feed on. They are feisty rodents with a “cute” tail. They chatter often and flick their tails. It is entertaining to watch them chasing and doing acrobatics. The downside of having these creatures in my garden is that they often chew on garden furniture and also hanging lights. They seem to think the light bulbs are plant bulbs and often bury them.

Krista Anger, photographer, author and jeweller, works for the Calgary Public Library. The jewellery Krista will be showing and selling are constructed of metals including sterling silver, copper and brass using motifs such as flowers, hearts, and many pieces with healing chakra stones. Jessica Anger, artist and hand-dyed silk scarves, is currently a student at ACAD. She seeks inspiration from nature and uses a meditative practice in creation.

Tammy Watt works with acrylic paint and takes pleasure in the challenges of design fundamentals and colour relationships. Her current work reflects explorations in the landscape using single pigment paints, glazing techniques and the process of light subtraction. A reoccurring theme in her work is the view from beneath the ground’s surface. Her goal as an artist is to draw a line from her life to her art that is straight and clear.

Irene and Corinne enjoying the Day!  Irene Naested is Professor Emerita from Mount Royal University. She is a visual artist, and a published author of non-fiction, creative non-fiction, and prose/poetry. Irene daily practices some form of meditative experience, primarily through art, writing and movement.   Gleaning from nature the elements and principles of composition and as a pathway in becoming grounded. I often combine printmaking techniques of mono-printing, stencil, stamp, silkscreen, relief with watercolour, acrylic and/or oil paint ….   or 

David Peyto is a self-published author of four Calgary walking guidebooks, three Calgary parks and green spaces books, two Canadian Rockies trivia books and four volumes of his grandfather’s Banff National Park warden journals from 1914 to 1941.

Jeweliyana Reece’s work is inspired by nature and an unfolding exploration of the physics of being and often flavored with hints of her earlier career as a geological technician featuring fossilized detail and patterns akin to strati-graphic cross sections. Her ‘mad scientist at heart’ personality makes glass fusing the perfect art form to combine her love of vibrant translucent color and texture with the science behind each firing. To see more of her work visit

Valerie Walker is a self-published author of “The Adventures of Hedley the Hedgehog” series as well as two juvenile time-travel novels, “Mystery in the Attic“, and “The Quest for Kananaskis”. Her latest book “Looks Can Kill” is an adult/Young adult adventure thriller set in Italy in the 1950’s. She was showing and selling her prequel to the Hedley series.

Sharon London, card maker, has always loved Japanese paper and spotting an origami kimono in a paper art shop started her hobby as a paper artist. Moving from Japanese inspired cards to mixed media has been a fun journey. Inspiration and knowledge come from working with and learning from other artists.

Alishia M. Alibhai (Young Living Essential Oils vendor table). Alishia has been using essential oils for the past 8 years both in her private practice and her personal life. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology, practices and teaches Reiki energy healing, is a Soul Coaching Practitioner Trainer, a Soul Coach and a Past Life Coach.



Starry Night!

end of the Passport to the Arts

rest for the authors, artists & musicians