Books by Irene Naested
As Feathers Fall
Irene’s latest publication is a contribution to the Magpie Poets group work called As Feathers Fall. It’s an anthology in the Spirit of Haiku and Tanks poetry.
Art Making: A Companion in Solitude
Many people turn to “The Arts” during periods of solitude, whether externally or internally imposed. They may have a deep-seated need, a passion, to make visual art statements. Irene’s book, filled with ‘letters’, explores art making in solitude.
Light as it Falls
Irene Naested explores the philosophy, psychology, and beauty of the themes of light and shadow, black, whites and greys in Light as it Falls.
A Pebble in My Shoe
Eight poets contributed to this anthology of Haiku and Tanka poetry. The poets include: Pat Benedict Campbell, Liz Gibbs, Meghan Elizabeth Jones, Joanne Morcom, Irene Naested, Lucille Raizada, June Read and Mary Vlooswyk. The foreword was written by Naomi Beth Walker and the introduction was written by Joanne Morcom.
Dr. Irene Naested contributed a chapter to the anthology.
Alberta Skies – Through Paint, Print, Poetry & Prose
Beginning as a course, culminating as a published book, Irene Naested co-taught an art course called Alberta Skies.
Course participants explored the theme of Alberta Skies: through paint, print, prose & poetry. The course resulted in a collective publication of participants’ art and writing, a book launch & talk, and a gallery exhibition of the work.
Exploring the Math and Art Connection
The connection between math and art is as ancient as the disciplines themselves. Mathematicians, artists, and philosophers studied natural proportion and geometry such as the golden ratio, spirals, spheres, and circles. However, the majority of students today are unfamiliar with the intimate link between the two subjects of art and math, which nave often been segregated and taught separately in most schools.
Art in the Classroom: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Art in Canadian Elementary and Middle Schools
Art education is vital to the development, well-being, and learning of all children. Through are activities, children develop valuable skills such as organizing their thoughts and ideas, planning strategies for implementing them, gathering materials, investigating questions and problems along the way, and ultimately expressing their ideas in a physical form.
Understanding the Landscape of Teaching
This book by Irene Naested, Bernie Potvin and Peter Waldron encourages students to engage in conversations about teaching that are informed by current knowledge and professional wisdom. The text takes a broad overview approach to teaching and discusses concepts such as the teaching world-view and the importance of reflective teaching. It draws strong connections between what students do in field placements and the theories and experiences illustrated. Students are encouraged to question and challenge assumptions about learning, teaching and schooling as they work towards becoming members of the teaching profession.
Still Point Arts Quarterly: Art, Nature, Spirit…Summer, 2017
To download this issue of Still Point Arts Quarterly: Art Nature Spirit, Summer 2017.Issue No. 26, Click here to visit:
Freedom from Gender Inequality: My Birth Day
To download your copy of Still Point Arts Quarterly, Fall 2018. Issue No. 31. visit: