by Irene Naested | Mar 17, 2020 | Naested Garden, Nature & My Garden, Nature & My Garden
With this current request to self-distance, I have realized I practice on going social distancing through my daily self-contained work in my studio…writing, painting etc. and in my home and studio, care and watering of indoor plants and flowers. I am also...
by Irene Naested | Dec 30, 2019 | Nature & My Garden, Nature & My Garden
In My Garden – waiting for Spring to arrive now that the days are getting longer!
by Irene Naested | Aug 5, 2019 | 2019, Art in the Garden Show & Sale, Nature & My Garden
In the Calgary Herald in July there was and article on “Deadheading keeps the Garden Alive”… one argument to support this practice is to avoid the “wild abandon” of an uncontrolled, riotous growth of a cottage garden. Well I am proud to say I have finally...