Donna McDonald, “Stop the Presses” Song
Oil Paint 20″x 20″

The Fragments Reinterpreted:

The Fragments Reinterpreted: Art and Music at the Loft 112

The Fragments Reinterpreted: Art and Music at the Loft 112

Music & Visual Art from C.D.

“Winter Wasp”, 2019







Nathan Patterson "Winter Wasp"

Nathan Patterson “Winter Wasp”, Watercolour

Tammy Watt, "Loess"

Tammy Watt, “Loess”, mixed media painting








Fragments song, Stone Guest, Naested 1

Fragments Song, Stone Guest,  Irene Naested, Mix Media


Fragments, Winter Wasp, Irene Naested, Mono print and Stamp print with ink


Corinne Keough - "Hustle", mixed media

Corinne Keough – “Hustle”, mixed media

Irene. Naested - "Hypnogogic"

Irene. Naested – “Hypnogogic” acrylic

Irene Naested "Anywhere but here

Irene Naested “Anywhere but here” mix media & collage

Irene Naested “Winter Wasp”, Mixed Media, Mono & stamp print and ink.

Corinne Keough. Honky Tonk Philosophy"

Corinne Keough. Honky Tonk Philosophy” Mixmedia, Monoprint & Stencil

Irene Naested,  “Hustle”
mono & stamp print & ink

       Irene Naested “Promenade” mono & stamp      print & ink.