I. Naested, Painting, Hustle
Irene Naested will be showing and selling her work at Passport to the Arts in the Garden on Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 10:00 – 4:00 in her studio and garden at 1124 – 15th Street N.W.
Irene is Professor Emerita from Mount Royal University. She is a visual artist, and a published author of non-fiction, creative non-fiction, and prose/poetry. Irene daily practices some form of meditative experience, primarily through art, writing and movement. inaested@gmail.com www.passporttothearts.ca
“My journey into the arts, understanding of nature and meditation is central to my being – as a visual artists, writer, poet, and teacher. I approach my work, writing, music, and art making, as others might approach more traditional methods of meditation –— Being in the moment of seeing, drawing, painting, and writing….as a means toward an understanding and a method of communication to self and others. Gleaning from nature the elements and principles of composition and as a pathway in becoming grounded. I often combine printmaking techniques of mono-printing, stencil, stamp, silkscreen, relief with watercolour, acrylic and/or oil paint ….”

i. Naested. Painting Promenade

i. Naested, painting, Winter Wasp