Meditative Art Visual   Journaling is a way to express and record life’s experiences, explore thought processes and feelings, emotional reactions, or our inner world – visually and verbally. There are many ways to create visual journals. By committing to the visual journaling process, one can learn how to access our inner language of imagery and express it both visually and verbally, while exploring the connection between image and word.

Uses:   Positive Visualization, Visualizing Intentions, Making statements visual, Recording: thoughts, ideas, current events, trips, holidays, venting, naval gazing, Visual awareness, observation, recording natural and man-made phenomena, Working with various art media, Working with elements and principles of design.

Benefits of Meditation and Art Meditation

  • Stress reduction/relaxation
  • Improves self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Helps to reconnect with ourselves
  • Helps grounding and calming
  • Improves concentration
  • Can be used to visualize goal achievement
  • Releases negative emotions/negative thought patterns
  • Stimulate creative thought processes for inventive solutions