Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, Sept. 8, 2019
Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show and Sale September 08, 2019 — Thirty local artists, authors and musicians will be exhibiting and selling their work from 10:00 to 4:00 – in the garden, on the large deck, and in the Naested Studio and garage, at 1124-15 Street N.W. Calgary. Please join us. Free admission, Refreshments. :-)) for more information please check out – www.passporttothearts.ca
Connie Ptasinski will be turning for the sixth year to Passport to the Arts….
Connie Ptasinski joins the Passport to the Arts in the Garden again for 2021 with new works inspired by The Fragments musical group.
Tammy Watt, painter, will be returning to Passport to the Arts Show and Sale, Sunday, September 12, 2021
Tammy Watt, painter, will be returning to Passport to the Arts Show and Sale, Sunday, September 12, 2021 10:00 to 4:00, at Irene Naested's studio and garden, 1124-15th Street N. W. Calgary. www.passporttothearts.com Canadian artist Tammy Watt works with acrylic paint...
Cancelling Passport to the Arts in the Garden show and sale , September 13, 2020
Good day. Hope you and your garden are doing well. We have decided to cancel the planned Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, scheduled for Sunday, September 13, 2020. We are planning the event for 2021, the second Sunday in September. Have a good summer,...
9 days till Passport to the Arts
Passport to the Arts - The 5th Annual Arts in the Garden Show and Sale - - - Please join us - - - Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 10:00-4:00 at Naested Studio and Garden - 1124- 15th Street N. W. Calgary. Visit Irene’s website for information on the artists, authors...
Todd Maduke will be performing at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show & Sale
Todd Maduke will be performing at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 2:00 - 4:00 at 1124-15th Street N.W. For more information please go to Irene's website: www.passporttothearts.ca Todd Maduke is a Calgary-based...
Cassandra Arnold, painter & author, will be at Passport to the Arts….
Cassandra Arnold, painter & poet, will be showing and selling her work at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 10:00 - 4:00 at 1124-15th Street, N.W. Calgary. Cassandra Arnold is a retired physician and largely self taught artist....
Stephanie Hrehirchuck, author, will be returning to Passport to the Arts….
Stephanie Hrehirchuck, author of children's books, health and diet, wellness (please refer to her website for a complete list) will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 10:00 - 4:00 at 1124 - 15th Street...
Krista and Jessica Anger will be returning to Passport to the Arts Show & Sale…
Krista and Jessica Anger will be returning to Passport to the Arts Show & Sale on Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 10:00 -4:00, at 1124-15th Street N. W. Calgary. Krista Anger, photographer, author and jeweller, works for the Calgary Public Library. The jewellery...
Connie Ptasinski will be turning for the fifth year to Passport to the Arts….
Connie Ptasinski will be returning for the fifth year to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, at 1124-15th Street N.W. from 10:00 - 4:00 at 1124-15th Street N.W. Connie Ptasinski completed degrees from University of...
Tammy Watt, painter, will be returning to Passport to the Arts….
Tammy Watt, painter, will be returning to Passport to the Art in the Garden, Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 10:00 t0 4:00 at 1124 - 15th Street N.W. Calgary. Tammy Watt works with acrylic paint and takes pleasure in the challenges of design...
Irene Naested will be showing and selling her work at Passport to the Arts in the Garden
Irene Naested will be showing and selling her work at Passport to the Arts in the Garden on Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 10:00 - 4:00 in her studio and garden at 1124 - 15th Street N.W. Irene is Professor Emerita from Mount Royal University. She is a visual artist,...
The Fragments will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden
The Fragments will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019. They will be playing from 12:00 - 2:00 at 1124-15th Street N. W. The Fragments: David Martin, Innes Cheng, Chris Gaston, Natasha Sayer
David Peyto will be returning to “Passport to the Arts” in the Garden show & Sale
David Peyto will be returning to “Passport to the Arts” in the Garden Show and Sale on Sunday, September 8, 2019. 10:00 - 4:00, free admission, refreshments & prizes David is a self-published author of four Calgary walking guidebooks, three Calgary parks and green...
Jeweliyana Reece, Fused Glass, will be showing & selling her work at “Passport to the Arts”
Jeweliyana Reece, Fusion Glass, will be showing & selling her work at "Passport to the Arts" in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 10:00 - 4:00, at 1124-15th Street N.W. Calgary. Free admission, refreshments & prizes. Jeweliyana Reece...
Bob Pike will be showing & selling his work at “Passport to the Arts”
Bob Pike will be showing & selling his work at "Passport to the Arts" in the Garden Show & Sell. Bob Pike, Sculptor, attended the Alberts College of Art, and majored in sculpture. And became a full-time professional potter in 1972. He lived in Calgary,...
Connie Pike will be showing & selling her work at “Passport to the Arts”
Connie Pike will be showing & selling her work at "Passport to the Arts" in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, 10:00 - 4:00. at 1124- 15th Street N. W. Connie Pike’s medium is High Fire Clay-Porcelain and Stoneware. Her key theme is functional...
Valerie Walker will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale
Valerie Walker is a self-published author of "TheAdventures of Hedley the Hedgehog" series as well as two juvenile time-travel novels, "Mystery in the Attic", and "The Quest for Kananaskis”. Her latest book "Looks Can Kill"is an adult/Young adult adventure thriller...
Beth Everest is returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, 2019
Beth Everest is returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 10:00 - 4:00 Beth Everest, is a writer and jeweller artist based in Calgary. Her silver work has appeared in galleries such as The Red Door and The...
Alisha Alibhai will be returning to Passport to the Arts, Sept. 8, 2019
Alishia M. Alibhai (Young Living Essential Oils vendor table). Alishia has been using essential oils for the past 8 years both in her private practice and her personal life. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology, practices and teaches Reiki energy healing, is a Soul Coaching...
Josephine LoRe will be showing, selling & reading her poetry at Passport to the Arts
Josephine LoRe will be showing, selling and reading her poetry at "Passport to the Arts in the Garden", Sunday, September 8, 2019. Josephine LoRe … a pearl in this diamond world Josephine LoRe’s words have been read on the stage, published locally and internationally...
Sharon London, Card maker will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale
Sharon London, card maker, has always loved Japanese paper and spotting an origami kimono in a paper art shop started her hobby as a paper artist. Moving from Japanese inspired cards to mixed media has been a fun journey. Inspiration and knowledge come from working...
Joanne Morcom returns to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019
Joanne Morcom will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, September 8, 2019. from 10:00 - 4:00. at 1124 - 15th Street N. W. Joanne Morcom is a writer and social worker who has four poetry collections to her credit. Her poetry also...
Cottage Garden in the Inner City – a Distinct Style
In the Calgary Herald in July there was and article on “Deadheading keeps the Garden Alive”... one argument to support this practice is to avoid the “wild abandon” of an uncontrolled, riotous growth of a cottage garden. Well I am proud to say I have finally achieved...
Donna Russell will be returning to “Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale” – Sunday, September 8, 2019
Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale Sunday, September 08, 2019, 10:00 – 4:00 Naested Studio and Gardens 1124 – 15thStreet N.W. Free Admission and Refreshments www.passporttothearts.ca Twenty-four Calgary artists and authors...
Gordon Pengilly, Sculptor at “Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale”
Gordon Pengilly, Sculptor will be showing and selling his work at Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, Sunday, September 8, 10:00 - 4:00, 2019, at 1124 - 15 Street N. W. Calgary, T2N-2B4 Calgary artist Gordon Pengilly is a self-taught sculptor. He has...
An invitation to – Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, 2019
Sunday, September 8, 2019 – 10:00 – 4:00 Good day, we are hosting the fifth annual Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, to be held on Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 10:00-4:00 at Naested Studio and Garden, 1124- 15th Street N. W. Calgary. There...
Return of “The Fragments” at Passport to the Arts Show & Sale, 2019
"The Fragments" will be performing at Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale Naested Studio, 1124-15th Street N. W. Calgary Sunday, September 8, 2019, from 12:00 - 2:00 (www.thefragments.ca) with Innes Cheng, Chris Gaston, David Martin, and Natasha Sayer,...
The Fragments Reinterpreted: Music & Visual Art
The Fragments Reinterpreted: Music & Visual Art from C.D. "Winter Wasp", 2019 Irene Naested "Winter Wasp", Mixed Media, Mono & stamp print and ink. ...
Ten Visual Artists reinterpret the Fragments new C.D.
To visit the Fragments Website click here This past winter ten visual artists had the opportunity to work with the Calgary musical group The Fragments to reinterpret thirteen songs from their recently released C.D. "Winter Wasp". The Calgary Herald, April 17th, 2019...
Alisha Alibhai, (The Art of Essential Oils) will be returning to Show & Sell at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Sept. 9, 2018
Dr. Alisha Alibhai, (The Art of Essential Oils) is an Essential Oil Educator, Soul Coaching Trainer, Soul Coach, Past Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Social Psychologist. She will be discussing, demonstrating, exhibiting and selling essential oils and crystals....
Donna Russell, Fabric Artist, will be returning to Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show & Sale, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018
Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale Sunday, September 09, 2018, 10:00 – 4:00 Naested Studio and Gardens 1124 – 15thStreet N.W. Free Admission and Refreshments www.passporttothearts.ca Twenty-four Calgary artists and authors will be...
Connie Ptasinski will be returning this year to Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale. Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018
Connie Ptasinski, painter and ceramist, is fascinated with all things trees. She began with a focus on the splintered, hollow stumps at Emma Lake in Saskatchewan. Later she became involved with Raku clay work and became interested in the various textures in the bark...
Pat Roome at Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018
Pat Roome will be showing and selling her paintings at Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018. 10:00 - 4:00 Dr. Pat Roome’s watercolour and drawings focus on people, pets, animals and bids and her garden. She paints from her...
Nancy Roberts & her Glass Sculptures at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show & Sale, Sunday, September 9, 2018
Nancy Roberts & her Glass Sculptures at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Show & Sale Naested Studio & Garden, 1124-15th Street N.W. Calgary Sunday, September 9, 2018, 10:00 - 4:00 Nancy Roberts, sculptor…As Picasso once said “I am always doing what I...
Midnight Yoga for Alcoholics will be performing at Passport to the Arts in the Garden, Sept. 9
Midnight Yoga for Alcholoics will be performing at Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show and Sale, Sunday, Sept. 9 from 2:00 - 4:00. “Midnight Yoga for Alcoholics” – a musical group with Kirk Miles and Cennth Sinclair, will be performing from 2:00 – 4:00 on the main...