Alberta Skies

Through Paint, Print, Poetry & Prose

By Irene Naested  & Vivian Hansen (©2016) 

Published through the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society

Alberta Skies is a collection created from a course offered through the Alexandra Writers Society, co-led by Vivian Hansen and Irene Naested. In total, there were 14 course participants who contributed art, poetry, prose and writing who in the book. The following nine contributors presented their poetry at a local poetry reading presentation:


Krista Anger is finally calling herself an artist — one who works in words, wool, paint, and photographs to explore the world she finds around her, bringing moments of peace and joy to her work to share with others.


Vivian Hansen has published nonfiction, fiction and poetry. A Bitter Mood of Clouds (Frontenac House, 2013) and Leylines of My Flesh (Touchwood, 2002) are her first full-length poetry collections. Vivian teaches creative writing, and has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. A Tincture of Sunlight is forthcoming from Frontenac House.


Natalie Matsui is a Calgary poet, dancer, and teacher who writes to ground herself in the whirlwind of identity that is her life. When she is not writing poetry, she can often be found simply staring at the Alberta sky.


Dr. Irene Naested, Professor Emerita, is a visual artist and author, whose published works focus primarily on the teaching of art. For twenty years, she worked for the CBE as an art teacher and department head, as well as being a curriculum leader of fine and performing arts. As well, Irene taught at Mount Royal University for twenty years, concluding her career as Chair of the Department of Education and a Full Professor.


Catherine Niven is the author of A Fine Daughter and several short stories. She is interested in cultivating creativity in its many forms. Mother of three children, caretaker of 600 spruce trees and two dogs, she is considering keeping two pounds of bees. Meanwhile, a second novel brews.


Carol Parchewsky’s writing has a strong connection with art. Her first novel was inspired by a painting by Atanas Chongarov. She enjoys writing fiction for adults and children. She is currently working on a middle-grade fantasy-adventure trilogy.


Lori D. Roadhouse is a seasoned Calgary writer and poet. Her work has been published in a variety of anthologies, magazines, newsletters, websites, and CDs. She has been a featured reader at poetry and spoken word events, and on radio programs.


Christie SimmonsCis a writer, songwriter, poet, sister, mother, recreational cyclist, and enthusiastic consumer of wine. She performs regularly with her musical group, My Son Ted. Through her business, Bespoke Chronicles, Christie writes and designs keep-sake books for individuals and families seeking to chronicle their life stories and adventures.


Mary Vlooswyk is a Dental Hygienist with a BA in Psychology and Women’s Studies, mother of five sons, and grandmother of three. She posted a poem daily for a year, and the result was She has had Haiku published in Haiku Canada Anthologies, and she is currently working on her first book of poetry.



Irene in Mexico

As a privately published, limited edition book by the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society, there are no longer any print versions of this book available.

To view other books available by Irene Naested, please visit Irene’s Books page.

Closed for the Season
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested
Images from the book 'Alberta Skies' by Irene Naested

Irene Naested


traveling down the empty roads

toward the flat horizon

meeting cloud streaked skies

smelling the fresh cut hay

on crisp morning breeze

The Lonely Road Home

driving down

empty road

toward flat horizon

meeting white clouds

streaking cool blue sky

not another in sight

landscape golden

fresh cut hay

crisp morning breeze

clouds in no hurry

unlike me

to reach

my destination

Closed for the Season

turbulent sky

fallen snow fence

cold north wind

soft snow flakes

cover dull dirt green stalks

crisp from morning frost

Payne’s grey sky

announce winter’s


closed for the season

dig up wool hat

leather gloves, fleece line parka

prepare for the long dark days