Light as it Falls

Passport to the Arts

Irene Naested  (2020)

Friesen Press

An artist’s book of Narrative poetry/ prose, quotes, Juxtaposed with visual images, art, mixed media, collage, painting and photography.

This hybrid volume combines Naested’s poetry, art, photography, complemented by quotations and philosophical discussions ranging from Carl Jung’s ‘Shadow Self’ to the Japanese idea of ‘Notan(dark/light).




Finding balance

in one’s life

isn’t always


 it involves

light & shadow

blacks, whites & greys

in art-making

writing & life.


Light as it Falls

Artist-Book is defined as a book made by an author/artist which has limited edition copies.

These books  are more than ’mire’, sketchbooks, journals or diaries. Much of the poetry/prose and art from these Artists-Books have been incorporated into the two published books.