Naested Meditative Art Journals

Naested Meditative Art Journals
Meditative Art Journaling – led by Irene Naested.
NAESTED STUDIO, 1124 – 15TH ST. NW – www.passporttothearts.ca
8 – SATURDAYS, JAN. 13, 2018, 10:00 – 12:00 PM = $295.00
OR – 8 – SUNDAYS, JAN. 14, 2018, 1:00 – 3:00 = $295.00
- large art journal included plus art supplies provided during the sessions
- Please e-mail your registration request to inaested@gmail.com
- once confirmed please e-transfer the registration fee.
VISUAL ART can be a meditative practice.
Participants will explore various art materials/media and various methods
that inspire image making and methods of stimulating the ‘blank paper/page/canvas’ syndrome.
The focus is on the process rather than the end results.
The goal is not to create ‘Big A Art’. (Works that you hope to frame).
What you will achieve is a rich resource of images, greater experience in handling art media,
and greater awareness of the elements and principles of composition.
Will you be offering a Meditative Art Journaling course in 2019?