by Irene Naested | Aug 21, 2017 | 2017 Art and Poetry Events, Art & Meditation, Art & Nature, Art & Poetry, Calgary Author, Create Every Day, Flowers, Plants & Landscapes
as with the sunflower look to the sun as it rises to begin a new day to create – irene.naested
by Irene Naested | Feb 8, 2017 | Art & Meditation, Create Every Day, Flowers, Plants & Landscapes, Nature and Meditation
I spent last week in Cabo San Lucas at an all inclusive. Lovely week, only to return to Calgary to -29 degrees and lots of snow. Needless to say I suffered from “Climate Change”.
by Irene Naested | Mar 28, 2015 | Create Every Day, Flowers, Plants & Landscapes
create everyday create the day sun at the centre of the daisy