by Irene Naested | Aug 22, 2018 | 2018, 2019, Calgary Author, Local Author, Passport to the Arts in the Garden
Beth Everest, is a writer and jeweller artist based in Calgary. Her silver work has appeared in galleries such as The Red Door and The Rubaiyat. Her book of poems, Silent Sister: the mastectomy poems, (2016) Frontenac House Press has received much recognition. Beth...
by Irene Naested | Aug 22, 2018 | 2018, Art in the Garden Show & Sale, Authors & Musicians, Calgary Artist, Calgary Author, Calgary Musician, Passport to the Arts in the Garden
Passport to the Arts in the Garden Show & Sale, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018, 10:00 – 4:00 at Naested Studio and Garden, 1124-15th Street N. W. Calgary, Free admission and refreshments Twenty-four Calgary Artists and Authors will be exhibiting and selling their...
by Irene Naested | Sep 6, 2017 | 2018, 2019, Art in the Garden, Art in the Garden Show & Sale, Calgary Author, Children's Books
Stephanie Hrehirchuk, Children’s Book Author, lives in Calgary where she reads with her daughter, learns how to use technology from her son, plays gin rummy with her husband, and writes about the world outside her door and inside her imagination. Anna and the...
by Irene Naested | Sep 5, 2017 | 2017 Art and Poetry Events, 2018, Art & Nature, Art & Poetry, Art in the Garden, Calgary Artist, Calgary Author
Irene Naested is a visual artist, published author and director of Art, Nature & Meditation. Irene will be selling two of her art teaching books as well as some of her paintings in her newly completed art studio above a double car garage, overlooking downtown...
by Irene Naested | Sep 5, 2017 | 2018, Calgary Author, Calgary Walking Guide Books
David Peyto has authored three walking guidebooks and three parks guidebooks for Calgary. He has also authored two Canadian Rockies trivia books and edited four books of his grandfather’s Banff park warden journals.
by Irene Naested | Sep 2, 2017 | 2018, Calgary Author, Children's Books, Local Author
At “Art in the Garden Show” – Susanne Heaton – Faeryologist, will be showing and selling her book and reading “Faery Cards”. The show and sale will be held on Sunday, September 10th, 2017, from 10:00 – 4:00, in the Naested...