The ABC Field Guide to Faeries by Susanne Heaton
At “Art in the Garden Show” – Susanne Heaton – Faeryologist, will be showing and selling her book and reading “Faery Cards”.
The show and sale will be held on Sunday, September 10th, 2017, from 10:00 – 4:00, in the Naested Garden and Studio, 1124 – 15th Street N.W. Calgary. Ab. Susanne will be among 30 artists, authors & musicians exhibiting and selling their work.
Susanne Heaton, Susanne the Sunshine Faery will be selling her award-winning children’s book, The ABC Field Guide to Faeries which has inspiring reminders of respect for self, others and the environment. Susanne will also be offering faery readings as she is a certified faeryologist through Doreen Virtue. She looks forward to connecting with your inner child and the faery energy! an award winning children’s author, inspirational speaker and FUNraiser.www.motivatedbynature.com

Susanne Heaton – Faeryologist