Art in Garden Banner

Art in the Garden, September 10, 2017 — Thirty local artists, authors and musicians will be exhibiting and selling their work on Sunday, September 10, from 10:00 to 4:00 – in the garden, on the large deck, and in the Naested Studio and garage, at 1124-15 Street N.W. Calgary. The artists and authors include: Alisha Alibhai (essential oil) Krista Anger (jewelry), Jessica Anger (hand-died silk scarfs) Alison Bakken (stained-glass), Barb Bell (painter & potter), Sandra Coats (tea-leaf reader), Beth Everest (poet & jewelry), Susanne Heaton (author & faeryologist), Stephanie Hrehirchuck (author, children’s books), Munira Jiwa & Susan Lenox (Qigong teachers), Beverly Kelly (painter), Sharon London (card-maker), Wendy McIvor (potter), Kirk Miles (clown, poet, musician) Joanne Morcom (poet), Irene Naested (artist, author), Lara Peters (potter), David Peyto (author), Connie Ptasinski (painter & ceramic), Roberta Ress (author, poet), Donna Russell (fabric artist), Catherine & Christie Simmons (authors & songwriter), Valerie Walker (author, children’s & Y.A.), and Tammy Watt (painter).

The musical groups include:

“The Fragments” will start to perform at 12:00, (

“My Son Ted” will start to perform at 2:00 (URL is

Sunnyside Art Supplies, your friendly neighbourhood art store.  Run by artists for artists who are passionate about art supplies will be at this event selling their fine art supplies.

More about this event and more about the artists, authors and musicians will be posted over the next couple of weeks at: